Priv.-Doz. Dr. Peter Fritsch, MBA
Facharzt für Kinder- & Jugendheilkunde
Pädiatrische Kardiologie, Neonatologie und Sportmedizin
Lindenhofweg 2
8043 Graz
T: 0316 32 79 30

Wacker-Gussmann A, Ehringer-Schetitska D, Herceg-Cavrak V, Hidvégi E, Jakab AE, Petropoulos A, Jokinen E, Fritsch P, Oberhoffer R.Prevention of delayed diagnosis in congenital heart disease. Cardiol Young. 2019 May;29(5):730-731.
Fritsch P, Ehringer-Schetitska D, Dalla Pozza R, Jokinen E, Herceg-Cavrak V, Hidvegi E, Oberhoffer R, Petropoulos A; European Paediatric Cardiology Working Group Cardiovascular Prevention. Cardiovascular pre-participation screening in young athletes: Recommendations of the Association of European Paediatric Cardiology. Cardiol Young. 2017 Nov;27(9):1655-1660.
Petropoulos A, Ehringer-Schetitska D, Fritsch P, Jokinen E, Dalla Pozza R, Oberhoffer R.
Preventing cardiac diseases in childhood. Hell J Nucl Med. 2015 Sep-Dec;18 Suppl 1:148.
Dalla Pozza R, Ehringer-Schetitska D, Fritsch P, Jokinen E, Petropoulos A, Oberhoffer R; Association for European Paediatric Cardiology Working Group Cardiovascular Prevention.
Atherosclerosis. 2015 Feb;238(2):380-7.
Fritsch P, Kleber M, Schlagenahuf A, Leschnik B, Fritsch M, Muntean W, Mangge H, Reinehr T. Normalization of Haemostatic Alterations in Overweight Children with weight loss due to lifestyle intervention. Atherosclerosis 2011 Feb 2. [Epub ahead of print] [IF 4,522]
Koestenberger M, Nagel B, Ravekes W, Everett AD, Stueger HP, Heinzl B, Sorantin E, Cvirn G, Fritsch P, Gamillscheg A. Systolic right ventricular function in pediatric and adolescent patients with tetralogy of Fallot: echocardiography versus magnetic resonance imaging. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2011 Jan;24(1):45-52. [IF 2,981]
Koestenberger M, Nagel B, Ravekes W, Urlesberger B, Raith W, Avian A, Halb V, Cvirn G, Fritsch P, Gamillscheg A. Systolic Right Ventricular Function in Preterm and Term Neonates: Reference Values of the Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion (TAPSE) in 258 Patients and Calculation of Z-Score Values. Neonatology. 2011 Jan 26;100(1):85-92. [IF 1,984]
Fritsch P, Schwinger W, Schwantzer G, Lackner H, Sovinz P, Wendelin G, Benesch M, Sipurzynski S, Urban C. Peripheral blood stem cell mobilization with pegfilgrastim compared to filgrastim in children and young adults with malignancies. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2010 Jan;54(1):134-7. [IF 2,134]
Fritsch P, Kleber M, Rosenkranz A, Fritsch M, Muntean W, Mangge H, Reinehr T. Haemostatic Alterations in Overweight Children: Associations between Metabolic Syndrome, Thrombin Generation, and Fibrinogen levels. Atherosclerosis 2010 Oct;212(2):650-5. [IF 4,522]
Fritsch P, Gruber-Sedlmayr U, Pansi H, Zöhrer B, Mutz I, Spork D, Zenz W. Tick-borne encephalitis in Styrian children from 1981 to 2005: a retrospective study and a review of the literature. Acta Paediatr. 2008 May; 97(5):535-8. [IF 1,517]
Fritsch P, Cvirn G, Cimenti C, Baier K, Gallistl S, Koestenberger M, Roschitz B, Leschnik B, Muntean W. Thrombin Generation in F VIII-Deficient Neonatal Plasma: Nearly Normal Due to Physiologically Low Antithrombin and Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor; J Thromb Haemost. 2006 May;4(5):1071-7. [IF 5,138]
Fritsch P, Kerbl R, Lackner H and Urban C."Wait and see" strategy in localized neuroblastoma in infants - an option not only for cases detected by mass screening. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2004 Nov;43(6):679-82. [IF 1,512]
Roschitz B, Thaller S, Koestenberger M, Wirnsberger A, Leschnik B, Fritsch P, Muntean W. PFA-100 closure times in preoperative screening in 500 pediatric patients. Thromb Haemost. 2007 Jul;98(1):243-7. [IF 3,501]
Urban C, Weinhäusel A, Fritsch P, Sovinz P, Weinhandl G, Lackner H, Moritz A, Haas OA. Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD) and pituitary adenoma in a boy with sporadic Carney complex due to a novel, de novo paternal PRKAR1A mutation (R96X). J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Feb; 20(2):247-52. [IF 0,858]
Koestenberger M, Gallistl S, Muntean W, Leschnik B, Fritsch P, Cvirn G.
Additive effects of anticoagulants: recombinant human activated protein C and heparin or melagatran, in tissue factor-activated umbilical-cord plasma. Thromb Haemost. 2005 Jul;94(1):69-74. [IF 3,056]
Baier K, Cvirn G, Fritsch P, Kostenberger M, Gallistl S, Leschnik B, Muntean W.
Higher concentrations of heparin and hirudin are required to inhibit thrombin generation in tissue factor-activated cord plasma than in adult plasma. Pediatr Res. 2005 May;57(5 Pt 1):685-9. [IF 2,875]
Cvirn G, Gallistl S, Koestenberger M, Baier K, Fritsch P, Greilberger J, Jurgens G, Muntean W. The anticoagulant action of recombinant human activated protein C (rhAPC, Drotrecogin alpha activated): comparison between cord and adult plasma. Thromb Haemost. 2004 May;91(5):912-8. [IF 3,413]
Weltermann A, Fritsch P, Kyrle PA, Schönauer V, Christ G, Huber K; The effect of pre-treatment with clopidogrel on platelet and coagulation activation in patient with stable angina undergoing elective coronary stenting- Thromb Res. 2003;112(1-2):19-24. [IF 1,7]
"Einfluss von TFPI und AT auf TP von haemophilen NG";34. Hämophiliesymposium Hamburg 11.2003
"Einfluss von TFPI und AT auf TP von haemophilen NG"; Berlin 09.2004
"Thrombingeneration und Gerinnungszeit im Faktor VIII- Mangelplasma nach schwacher Tissue Factor-Aktivierung"; 35. Hämophiliesymposium Hamburg 11.2004
"Die antikoagulatorische Aktivität von rekombinantem humanem aktivierten Protein C (rhAPC) im Neugeborenen- im Vergleich zu Erwachsenenplasma" 34. Hämophiliesymposium, Hamburg 11.2004
"TFPI and AT in hemophilic newborn", GTH, Mannheim 02.2005
"Warum bluten hämophile Neugeborene seltener ?” ÖGKJ St. Pölten 09.2005
"Thrombin generation in a hemophilic newborn 36. Hämophiliesymposium Hamburg 11.2005
"Thrombingeneration bei einem hämophilen Neugeborenen“ 50. GTH-Tagung Basel 02.2006
"Thrombin generation in F VIII-depleted neonates” World-Hemophilia Congress, Vancouver 2006
"TBE in Styrian Children from 1981 to 2005” ESPID, Porto 2007
"Peripheral blood Stem cell mobilisation with Pegfilgrastim in two children with Ewing Sacrcoma”, SIOP, Mmbai 2007
"Effect of different F VIII-, antithrombin- and tissue factor pathway inhibitor concentration on thrombin generation in haemophilic children" 51. GTH-Tagung Dresden 2007
"Sneddon´s syndrome presenting with livedo racemosa and a stroke in a 14 year old girl, also suffering from protein S deficiency" ÖGKJ, Wien 2007
"Acticoat-glove", Pediatric Burns Congress, Seggau, 2008
"ESBL in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit", 26. ESPID, Graz 2008
"Epidemiology in VZV strains in Graz-Austria". 26 ESPID, Graz 2008
"Stammtellmobilisation mit Pegfilgrastim bei Kinder mit malignen Tumroen". Austrotransplant, Zell/ See 200
"Stem cell mobilisation in adolescent with Pegfilgrastim vs. Filgrastim". 50 th ASH-meeting, San Francisco 2008
"Synkope und plötzlicher Herztod unter Belastung- Ursachen und Outcome". ÖGKJ, Graz 2009
"Langzeitverlauf von Patienten mit valvulärer Aortenstenose nach Ballonvalvuloplastie". ÖGKJ, Linz 2010
"Thrombin-Generation: sensitive Methode bei Blutungs- als auch bei Thromboseneigung". Habilitationsvorlesung, Graz 2011
Preise und Auszeichnungen
Posterpreis 36. Hämophiliesymposium Hamburg 11.2005 für das Poster: "Thrombin generation in a hemophilic newborn"